Saturday, April 12, 2014

It's Possible Through Him

Today, we took the city bus everywhere. It was quite the adventure... You end up in conversations with the most interesting human beings! I'm reminded of a phrase that I heard once that has stuck with me: "Truth is stranger than fiction." That has proven to be true, as I meet all kinds of people that I definitely could never have dreamt up.

While looking out the window of the city bus and watching all of the hustle and bustle of Nashville, I realized what it is that I love about the city - the people. All of these people that I watch from the bus window are from all walks of life, and yet we all have similar stories. We all have the same desires. To be happy, to find love, and to feel like we are a part of something.

We are all connected by the fact that we are human beings. There is something great inside each one of us, because we have a divine origin: God, our loving Heavenly Father. And because we are His children, we have so much potential. There is something innately inside each one of us that drives us to become and to achieve. That is no coincidence.

I've learned recently that it's all about having a vision for yourself. That vision of who it is that you want to become, and what it is that you want to achieve. That stems from remembering the simple truth of your true identity and purpose. If you remember that, you become unstoppable. As a child of God, you have endless potential.

It's so important to remember that in today's world. There are so many competing messages in the media; that you have to look this way, or act this way. But in actuality: YOU CAN BE WHO EVER YOU CHOOSE TO BECOME.
And that's the truth.

Jesus Christ gave us that ability when He suffered for our imperfections, so that we could have the chance to become better and to perfect ourselves. We are all imperfect, but have the power to change. To deny that ability to change, is to deny the power of His eternal sacrifice. When we truly begin to understand Jesus Christ, who He is and what He has done for us, we will begin to see our potential.

Click on the picture to view an amazing Easter video called, Because of Him.

That's what I've learned this week.
That it's all been made possible through Him.

Don't ever let the world blind you, and tell you that only one kind of person is acceptable. Because you are accepted and loved no matter who you are and what you do. Isn't that comforting? I don't ever have to earn love. I can receive it freely whenever I need it through talking to my Father in Heaven. He loves me, and He loves you. And He wants you to dream big, but to take life a step at a time. It's ok if we mess up. Embrace each moment and remember it's a gift from Him.

Be where your feet are.
Because that's what life is all about: living.

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