Saturday, May 10, 2014

It Was My Mom

Let's be honest. My family is a combination of a lot colorful personalities, and we didn't always get along. As you can see in this picture, we were a pretty crazy bunch. But somehow, through many tears, tantrums, and a whole lot of attitude, my mom still managed to teach us and love us. We all turned out alright!

I'm convinced there was no one more perfect for this crazy family than my mom. I sure wasn't a picture perfect child, but my mom still loved me, no matter what mistakes I made, or what kind of attitude I gave her. She taught me unconditional love.

She was the one that was always there for me. She showed me that I could do anything if I put my mind to it. She taught me how to work hard, and to trust God. When my heart was broken, she would put the pieces back together. She not only came to all of my shows, concerts, and performances, she would find ways for me to use my talents for people who needed it. She didn't only keep up with me and my family's needs, but she was always collecting things to help other families in need. My mom served a full-time mission and is always doing missionary work, and that's what made me want to be a missionary.

So this Mother's Day, I would like to pay tribute to my mother. She taught me how to serve, how to love, and how to put God first. I love her with all my heart.

It was mom. It was my mom.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

You Can Sing it Again

I was fifteen the first time I went a recording studio.

Initially, I was really nervous when I was invited to record, because I had never done it before. I had no idea what to expect and I felt the pressure to prove myself and my abilities.

I walked into the padded studio, put on my headphones as instructed (they let me use David Archuleta's headphones! I was a little star-struck...), and started singing, tentatively, into the microphone when the music started. As I got going, I got a little more confident, and pretty soon, I was singing like no one was listening. But then... I made a mistake.

The recording engineer stopped the music. I was expecting a disappointed look through the glass, but I was surprised to see that it didn't even phase him. He said, "Opps! Let's punch you in a few bars before we stopped, and you can sing it again."

I realized after my first session in a recording studio, that they actually record everything several times, pick the best parts, and paste them together. At first, it felt a little bit like cheating.... It caught me off guard, and I found myself thinking, "Wait.... You can make me sound better than I actually am?"

Through out the many hours I've spent in the recording studio since, I've seen how much you can really do to change what something actually is, into something that people want to listen to... :) And I'm here to tell you, nothing is perfect on our first try. Or even the second try. And we can always make up for our mistakes, no matter how intentional or unintentional they might be.

Before we lived on this earth, we lived with God, our loving Heavenly Father. When we knew we would be coming to earth, we were a little nervous. We didn't know what to expect. We had never lived in a mortal body before. We had never experienced life.

We felt pressure to prove ourselves. We wanted to show Heavenly Father what we could do, and what we could become. But, He knew we would make mistakes. It was all part of the plan, so He made sure there was a way for us to erase those mistakes so we could keep and cherish just the best parts of life. He made it possible for us to become better than we actually are. But we had to try, over and over, to get some good
cuts! And we would learn from those and the finishing product would be perfected. Not because it wasn't created with mistakes, but because through the atonement of Jesus Christ, those mistakes could be

God gave us agency. He gave us the ability to do, and Jesus Christ gives us the ability to undo. Sometimes it's difficult to forgive ourselves, because it feels a little bit like cheating. We don't easily let ourselves off the hook. But I'm here to tell you it's not cheating! He can make us better than we actually are. He's given us the tools, and He wants us to use them.

So, repent. Forgive. Let go.

We are all imperfect. Sometimes we hold grudges against others because we feel like it might be "cheating" or "unfair" to let them get away with their mistakes or errors against you. Remember, none of us are perfect. God loves them just as much as He loves you. Be patient with them, and you will find that you are happier.

I know that Jesus Christ lives, and He loves us. Let Him help you. Let Him erase your mistakes.

It's never too late to go back and sing it again.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

When You Meet Resistance

When you meet resistance, don't give up.
Don't give in.
One day, you will look back and realize it was all worth it.

My service as a missionary has not been easy. In fact, it's been probably the most difficult thing I've ever done. There have been a lot of times when I have felt like giving up. But I knew that I had to stick it out because it was the right thing to do and I knew it would be worth it in the long run. I've learned to keep pushing, even when I meet resistance, because that's what makes me stronger.

We've all had experiences where we've felt pretty lost and alone, but when we look back, we realize that we learned something. We gained something. I've gained a lot of things on my mission so far because it's been hard.

This was part of a revelation given to the prophet, Joseph Smith, while he was a prisoner in Liberty Jail, on March 20, 1839. The Prophet and several of his companions had been in prison for months.

D&C 121:7-8
"7. My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity shal be but a small moment,
"8. And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high, thou shalt triumph over all thy foes."

When you meet resistance, remember it's going to be ok. It will all work out! We just need to have faith and keep pushing through. Pray to feel love. Pray to feel hope. Pray that you can be patient in your affliction. I promise if you pray, you'll be alright. It's worked for me.

I realized something important this week:

Sometimes I have no idea what to do next. Sometimes I have tried everything, and it doesn't work... again. Sometimes I really have no idea how I'm going to keep going. 

This week, I realized that in that moment lies is the whole point of mortal existence. Those difficult moments hold the ability for us to become celestial beings. It doesn't just happen one day when we are resurrected! Eternity is now! Eternal life is right now. And we are living it a step at a time. 

Those moments, where it feels like the world is falling down around you, are precious moments in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Sometimes, He sends us blessings in the form of raindrops. He cherishes our growing pains, because He can see the results. He can see our potential. He has the big picture. We can get a small taste of that "big picture" because of the Restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We can find it in the scriptures, and when we don't know how to go on, and we don't know where to turn, we can turn to Him. He is always there for us, because He loves us. 

That is true happiness, my friends: feeling His love for us, recognizing our potential, and as a result, serving Him with all our might!

Trust in Him. He can see the big picture.